Say Goodbye to Mascara!

Eyelash Extensions | Cedar Falls, IA

Eyelash extensions are a glamours alternative to the daily use of mascara or the decades-old stick on false lashes. Eyelash extensions extend the length, curl and thickness of natural eyelashes and can be worn daily, without nightly removal. Each tapered, synthetic mink lash is bonded to a single natural lash giving a natural look that is difficult to detect even close up.

NovaLash's new NovaMinx extensions

Revive Day Spa uses the top of the line NovaLash's new NovaMinx extensions. The NovaMinx extensions are soft, silky lashes that luminously resemble mink fur. These eyelash extensions have all the benefits of real minx lashes, glossy while being feathery lightweight-without the sanitary and animal cruelty issues associated with real animal hair. NovaMink eyelash extensions come in an array of lengths, curls and thickness to fit each individuals preference. The lash professional will use up to three different lengths to give a very natural look to the extensions.


How long do they last?

ovalash brand extra strength elastomeric adhesive, Platinum Bond, has been shown to be 2 times more effective as the leading competitor in strength, durability, pigmentation, texture and curl. The Platinum Bond adhesive is oil-proof , waterproof and flexible unlike other brands.

When applied properly, NovaLash lash extensions can be worn throughout the year with minimal monthly maintenance. Monthly fills are recommended 3-4 weeks after the initial full set application to refill any lashes that have fallen off due to the natural growth and replacement cycle of lashes. To maintain the full, thick appearance of a new set you'll want to visit your NovaLash lash professional based on your own natural lash growth cycle. At 4 weeks after initial application you should expect to have cycled out about 50% of the extensions.

Can lash extensions be harmful to natural lashes?

When lashes are properly applied by a professional, the lash extensions will not harm natural lashes. NovaLash professionals use a application technique that allows natural lashes to grow and thrive just the same with extensions on.

How long do they last?

The initial full set application can take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours depending on the clients natural lashes. Our goal is to lash every available natural lash with an extension. A 3 to 4 week fill in application can take 1 to 2 hours depending on the amount of cycled out lashes. Any application longer than 4 weeks out will be considered a full set and will be charged accordingly.


Full set application- $150
Fill in application- $49